===== Gravity - lightweight software platform ===== **Gravity** is a key project represented on this site. This project is unified approach to have lightweight components for various languages, platforms and devices. Most of other projects, ideas are rotating around **Gravity** like planets around stars. The picture located at the right illustrates three general directions gravity moves to. More information about **Gravity** project can be found [[home:projects:gravity|here]]. [[home:projects:gravity|{{ home:projects:gravity-unite.gif |}}]] ===== Zebra ===== [[home:projects:zebra|{{ home:projects:zebrik.jpg |}}]] HTML5 introduces new HTML element - Canvas - where any desired content can be rendered. It can be end of Flash, Java, Silver Stream and other browser side plug-ins since developers are getting many things that have not been feasible before. \\ It is proper time for Gravity to come in pure WEB world. New gravity project - **Zebra** - has been initiated. **Zebra** is rich set of various GUI and not GUI components you have ever seen in HTML ! The solution doesn't require neither any plug-in installed nor special server side software. Zebra JavaScript coding tries to follow OOP paradigm by introducing special JavaScript library where widely known OOP concepts are implemented. \\ Gravity architecture uses set of abstractions to make it maximal portable on different platforms (J2ME, J2SE, Eclipse, .NET, etc) and different languages (Java, C#, JavaScript, etc). Core project has been written in Java but all developed GUI components are independent from any dedicated Java library like SWING or AWT. Everything what Gravity UI components abstraction requires is graphical canvas where simple rendering operations can be performed and basic input events can be handled. That is exactly what new HTML5 standard gives and what new Zebra project will utilize. \\ Go [[home:projects:zebra|ahead]] to check the project status. \\ ===== Patent on-line (Eureka) ===== My experience in patent software business - developing OLF client/server to register patents on-line - allows me clearly understand existent (OLF Client) software problems and propose improvements to make it up to modern technologies and users needs. Current implemented software is native, old standalone MS Windows applications which requires data base server, JDK installed on client PC. Architecture, design and user look and feel are something from ancient computer era. \\ **Eureka** is project that introduces modern view, design and implementation for on-line patent business. The new solution: * Introduces modern (HTML5 + Zebra), correct system design and architecture * Does not bother users with installation any bloatware software on user PC * Makes client more understandable for new users by inducing new paper-like look and feel * Supports smart phones and PDA as one of the possible client hardware [[home:projects:eureka|{{ home:projects:cipa.jpg?150x179 |}}]] \\ Everybody who can be interested (National patent offices, individual applicants and companies) is welcome to join, help, suggest or criticize. More information about **Eureka** project can be found [[home:projects:eureka|here]].