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Zebra JavaScript easy OOP cheat sheet

One of the direction of Zebra project is providing easy and simple OOP JavaScript library. Since first Zebra OOP version many things have been re-thought, re-designed and re-done. The new version gets more light-weight and clear concept. All these things are reflected in candy cheat sheet. Click on the picture below to open PDF document.

Zebra OOP small library can be downloaded here (packed version) or here (readable version)

2012/04/04 11:58 · barmalei

Converting Java code to JavaScript code

Zebra project starts doing simple Java to JavaScript conversion basing on:

  • Zebra JavaScript OOP package that helps transforming Java OOP convepts into JavaScript world
  • Zebra Java JavaScript package that provides bunch of useful Java classes and packages implemented with JavaScript analogs
  • Zebra Java to JavaScript converter, written with help of Treetop library

There is still a lot of space for improvement (annotation, template, …) but generally it works!

Let's play with it ...


2011/12/05 04:55
Java, JavaScript, WEB

Thinking in Java developing JavaScript

JavaScript is ridiculously simple. Dictionary is the only substantial thing JavaScript stands as a language. Following this simple approach JS allows developers to do many interested things that are forbidden in other languages. That has pushed me to bring JavaScript in order by developing light-weight JS OOP library that introduces such well known for every OOP developer concepts like:

  • Inheritance
  • Overriding
  • Overloading
  • Object constructors
  • Abstract and final methods
  • Inner classes and interfaces
  • and so on …

That was the first step adapting JavaScript to proper OOP concept.

Next thing it is very good to port in JavaScript was some well designed, time proofed classes Java developers should know very well. This is beginning of the story …


2011/11/27 07:22 · barmalei

Physics Discrete space structure and fast neutrino

My thoughts about discrete space has been recently “waked up” by OPERA/CERN experiments (

Researchers have reported they observed neutrino that moves faster than light. If they can accurate prove in more robust experiment (for instance where light and neutrino starts from a common point and detected at the common destination) can break Einstein theory :)

Let me explain some very simple thoughts regarding possible discrete structure of space and the side effect of the structure to measuring body speed.


2011/09/28 05:33 · barmalei
physics, OPERA, CERN, Einstein, neutrino

Graceful implementation OOP in Java Script

Zebra project has pushed to implement a simple, lightweight Java Script library to support the most important features of OOP concept. There are bunch of Java Script framework in the world, but from my point of view all of them try to wrap common, well known approaches mentioned in MDC documentation. All of them is based on prototyping JS paradigm what is not proper start for OOP.


2011/03/22 09:00 · barmalei

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