ravity is core project that represents light weight software platform loaded with rich set of various components. Hight level design and abstraction layers make the platform portable to different hardware (PCs, PDAs, Phones), programming languages (Java, C#, JavaScript, etc) and platforms (J2SE, J2ME, Eclipse, .NET, HTML5, Android).
Primus is projects deployment tool. Primus makes your project installation much more easy and clear for support and understanding. From the user point of view Primus requires minimal efforts to write and add installation script into context of a user project. Just one small python script plus installation instruction written in human readable format as step by step deployment procedure. Getting Primus doesn't require any installation activities. This is self installable package.
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Data scalpel is Python based project that unifies, simplifies text processing algorithms written in different programming languages. The package provides different text processing algorithms: named entity recognition, part of speech tagging, fuzzy search, stemming, etc. There are huge number of various solution already implemented, but every implementation follows own approach and design. Data scalpel is common rough for different text processing solutions.
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Lithium is artefact builder projects written in Ruby. The main idea is to create highly configurable and very simple build system which allows a developer to manage project artefact, daily actions like compilation, building, package creation, backup, etc. One of the main goal is minimization of user actions and configuration descriptors.
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